Thursday, June 20, 2019

Will 10 Months

10 Months!! How is he 10 months already? Can't believe that in just a few months we will be celebrating his 1st birthday! 

This guy is now a full time crawler! He cruises everywhere! He's really good at finding all the bouncy balls, small legos, rubber bands, rocks, small intricate pieces to games, or anything else that he could choke on.  He's got some really great guardian angels watching over him keeping him alive (especially after catching Hutch put bouncy balls in his mouth when I turn my back).

Eating his first donut, and loving it! 

He is still loving food. Eats just about everything now, he tried frozen blueberries for the first time and really loved those! His second favorite food is dirt and rocks. 

He is still the favorite around the house, he's called "Whill Whill" or "Whillwe". 

Hutch is often trying to keep up with the big guys and ignores Will, but anytime Will gets in the bath Hutch comes running. Hutch loves to dump water on Will's head over and over again. And what does Will do? He just puts up with it . Ha. He's already accepted that this is what life will be like with older brothers. 

Side by side comparison of Hutch and Will. Hutch on the left, Will on the right. Will looks like a giant next to Hutch. haha. Will is definitely a lot bigger than Hutch was! 

In the last few months Will's hair has starting growing so fast! He has a little mohawk when he gets out of the bath, it gets so fluffy and so cute! 

Other happenings this month:

The twins+ Hutch slept over at Grandma J's house, so Matt and I enjoyed one-on-one time with Will. He was so cute and had so much fun having all the attention. 

Hutch was loving all the corn on the cob at Grandma's house. 

Mother's Day. These boys are the biggest blessing in my life! I feel so lucky to have them. They spoiled me with lots of love and chocolate! 

We went to Topaz Mountain for a day and hunted for topaz. The twins thought hunting for topaz was so fun! They loved searching for the crystals  and both were really good at spotting good ones. They both came home with a big bag full of topaz.  It was a really fun day!

During our Come Follow Me lessons, Hutch loves to copy every thing the twins do. They were all sitting on the bench conducting the music, then folded their arms for the prayer. They are all so cute together! 

The twins graduated preschool! This was the last year of preschool, they are off to Kindergarten next! 

I can't believe how much they have grown this year!  They are now reading and working on passing off all their Sam books. 

We are so proud of them and all their hard work!

We ended the month with a weekend trip to Boise to visit friends. I left Will at home with Matt and took Hutch + the twins. It was definitely an adventure! All 3 kids did so good in the car , it was a miracle straight from heaven! We had a blast in Idaho and loved spending time with friends. 

We are having such a fun summer and can't wait for all the new adventures! 

1 comment:

  1. Will is such a cutie pie, but also a tough little man to put up the shenanigans those older 3 come up with.
