Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Hutch's 2nd Birthday

Hutch is 2! It's so crazy that this guy is  2 already! 

He had a fun birthday! We went and got donuts, opened presents (BUBBLES!!!), and had cake and ice cream. 

This is Hutch showing how old he is with his fingers. 

Hutch is full of so much personality.  He is funny and goofy and loves to be the center of attention. 

He loves to make people laugh and will do anything to get everyone laughing. 

He thinks he's a big guy too. He keeps up with his brothers and gets so mad if you tell him he's too little. 

He loves water, bubbles, food, his brothers, riding bikes, bubbles and lots and lots of bubbles. 

Every time we ask him if he's excited for nursery he says "BUBBLES!!!", because they do bubbles at the end of nursery. This last week he cried when I picked him up from nursery because he wanted to stay and play with the bubbles. 

Hutch is a wild card. It is his way or the highway. He will make his presence known and he will let you know if he wants something. He part time job is screaming as loud as he can. 

Hutch has really grown up this year. He is suddenly a toddler and not a baby anymore. 

He loves adventure and will do anything his brothers are doing. We will definitely need to watch him because he thinks he is a lot bigger than he is. 

The last few months Hutch has started talking a lot more too. He can say a ton of words and has started putting 2 word sentences together, like "Hi Mom". It's so fun hearing him talk! 

Matt's horse chestnut tree is taller than Hutch! It's a big accomplishment for that little tree. 

We measured him on the growth chart and Hutch is shorter than Jameson was at 2 years old. haha. Our kids are just getting shorter and shorter. 

Some of my favorite photos of Hutch- 
Straight from heaven, such a sweet little guy. 

Just days old. 

Hutch was the sweetest baby. He was so happy and calm and exactly what we needed in our family. Everyone was always fighting over holding him. 

He always slept so good too. Love that sweet sleeping face. 

He still is the happiest guy that loves to smile and laugh. 

1st birthday! 

We sure do love Hutch so much! We are so glad he is a part of our family!