Tuesday, March 3, 2015

10 Months

The babies are 10 months old! Pretty soon my babies won't be babies any more. Breaks my heart! 

Sometimes all you want is your brothers empty water bottle. 

Just being a couple of cool guys. 

After nap time fun 

Watchin' some George. 

The hungry little bear at the zoo. 

We got this way fun tunnel for the boys to crawl through. Jameson was NOT impressed. Matt thinks Jameson is going to have nightmares about the tunnel.

Totally candid, super funny picture. Like Father like son. 

Makes me laugh every time. 

The boys went on a play date with the cousins at Grandma's house. Carter put Jameson to work.

They were spoiled by the grandparents with Valentines cupcakes. 

They thoroughly enjoyed those cupcakes. 

This is the latest and greatest game. We all love it. 

For a brief week it was very warm and sunny. Utah tricked us into thinking it was spring. The boys loved exploring the grass and seeing how many leaves they could stuff in their mouths without me noticing.

That face. So goofy. 

Both boys pull themselves up on to everything. They love to carry around toys and hit them against the table or the walls, or the floor or each other. 

After the table then they move on to the bench with the mirror and they talk and giggle at themselves.

We ditched the babies for a night and went to a Brazilian party. It was really fun. Lots of yummy food and some Brazilian dancing.

We left the boys with uncle Eric and aunt Charlie. The boys love Charlie and they are excited to get another Aunt!

Eric and Charlie's engagments- the cutest. 

Just gettin a ride on Daddy's shoulders. Notice the count down chain in the back ground. It's counting down till Matt's graduation, and we couldn't be any more excited about it! 

Carter preparing for his role in the next Christmas program as one of the wise men. 

 I may be biased, but they are definitely the cutest twins at church! Those matching ties! It kills me, they look so grown up. 

And then we ended the month with sickness all around. Everyone has been sick and it was finally time for the boys to get sick. They are still their happy goofy selves with just a lot of extra snot.

We're looking forward to Spring and lots of fun adventures ahead! 

1 comment:

  1. So stinkin' cute those sweet baby guys. LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. That video of the tunnel and the naptime fun one are hilarious! I hope they get feeling better soon! Meanwhile, give them more grandma kisses from me!!!
