Wednesday, June 4, 2014

One Month

These cool cats are one month old! Oh how the time flies!

Jameson Matthew Kirk
Born May 3, 2014 at 12:56 am
Weighed 5lbs 12 oz and 18.5 inches long

Carter David Kirk
Born May 3, 2014 at 1:06am
Weighed 6 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long

We've had a great month! It has been an adventure with the boys.

 The boys love eating, sleeping during the day, pooping, going on long walks, riding in the car, reading stories and pooping.

They hate diaper changes, waiting to eat, and sleeping through the night.

They have been such good babies! And we feel really blessed to have such an amazing little boys!

 Here are a few pictures from their first month!

Going home from the hospital outfits.  The newborn clothes were huge on them then, and now a month later they are starting to actually fit them! Carter was the bigger twin at birth, but now Jameson has almost a pound on Carter.

Trying to get a good picture of one baby is hard, trying to get a good picture of twins is impossible. This is the best we're going to get.

We went on our first family hike up to the grotto! The boys loved it... aka they slept the whole time. Everyone that passed us had to check out the boys. We had a lot of fun!

Nothing is cuter than a shirtless sleeping baby.

Matt is a proud Papa and loves to cuddle with the boys.

 We do lots of "twin time" aka I make them lay next to each other and get to know each other.

Going on walks to Grandma and Grandpa Kirk's house.

Mastering the skill of carrying both twins.

The looks on their faces pretty much sums up our lives right now. It's a little bit crazy, but awesome!


  1. Sweet! You're blogging again! Love it. How do I get G-ma and G-pa Smith to see this? Do you have to accept them?

  2. I'm so happy for you. I'm wondering when you'd like me to babysit so you can go to the temple or whatever. I'm not kidding. I'll plan and Peter will pay if I have to.

  3. Katie!! I was so excited for these new posts! Congrats on your beautiful boys! Thank you for sharing your journey with these cuties. I can't wait to read more.
