These busy beavers are 2 months old! We've had an amazing month!
The boys were able to meet their Aunt and Uncle Adam and Alissa! We had so much fun with them! The boys favorite place was sleeping in Adam's arms.
While Adam and Alissa were here the Kirk fam spent the day in Park City. Matt and I went on the Alpine Slide and the Alpine Coaster while the boys played with Grandma.
We had to document Grandpa Kirk's first time changing the boy's diapers. And Matt had to take Jameson on his first ride down the slide.
We celebrated Matt's first Father's Day! I made Matt and the boys matching flannel shirts. They looked like manly men for sure!
Matt with his boys! Love this picture, and I especially love Jameson's face. Classic Jameson.
The Kirk's so generously offered to let us take their four wheelers for an afternoon while they watched the boys. We took them up to the top of West Mountain. It was such a pretty day with amazing views of Utah lake. Matt drove like a maniac and I drove like an old grandma. It was a lot of fun!
This month the boys started smiling! It is the most adorable thing! Grandpa Johansen got Jameson to smile really big for the first time when he was talking to him about fishing, so every time we want Jameson to smile we start talking about fishing. Carter likes to save his smiles for the elite.
The boys have been rooting for Brazil to win the world cup! They love watching the games... or maybe this picture shows their real feelings.
They are mastering the bumbo.
Just a couple of cool cats in wolf cut off tank tops.
And to end with my favorite picture of Jameson. That boy is full of goofy faces.

Can't wait to see what next month brings!