Hutch is 8 months!! He loves food, all kinds of food. He has eaten everything we have given him, especially loving pickles, bananas, blueberries, and spaghetti. He still loves bath time, loves to jump in his jumper, loves to sleep all night (hallelujah!), smiles and loves everyone he meets. Loves to drool and slobber on everything.
Dislikes- He does not like his brothers beating on him or stealing his toys. He gets frustrated when he is sitting and trying to grab something and then falls on his belly, he prefers to be sitting up seeing the world. He does not like when he isn't getting attention.
He does not have any teeth yet, but I feel swollen gums. So I am sure he will have teeth in the next few weeks. But that does not hold him back from eating everything in site. He uses his gums to mash everything up.
He is soooo close to crawling. He gets on his knees and rocks and tries to reach for things. He has backwards crawled a few times, but hasn't fully grasped the concept of crawling yet. It will only be a few more weeks till he is on the move.
This is what happens when I ask the twins to get clothes for Hutch. Hutch didn't seem to mind. haha.
Hutch went swimming at a pool for the first time this month! We went for Grandma J's birthday. All the kids had a blast, Hutch liked to splash around in the water. Jameson loves to jump in and plug his nose and go under the water. Carter likes the lazy river, and does NOT like his head under the water.
Also a new thing this month, is the twins LOVE to climb into Hutch's crib every morning. They patiently wait till they hear him wake up, then they crawl into his crib and undress him (not sure why they do that). Hutch loves the company (most of the time) and they all will usually play for 10-15 minutes.
We also had a really fun time at a jump place with all the Kirk cousins. The twins were in heaven jumping everywhere and getting grandma and grandpa to go down the big slides. Hutch did a lot of observing and then some snoozing.
Hutch loves getting hugs from his cousin Kali, she was so sweet to him.
Carter on the left 10ish months, Hutch on the right 8ish months. We went down to Grandma J's house for the morning a few weeks ago and grandma fed Hutch blueberries. He LOVED them. He loved sucking the juices out and getting it all over his face.
The twins have been learning about safety in preschool, they have been practicing how to call 911 and what to do in a fire (stop, drop and roll). They also went on a field trip to the fire station. It was a hit!
They loved seeing the big fire truck, trying on the big heavy (40lb) fireman's backpack, and both their favorites was looking inside the ambulance.
And in just a few weeks we are heading off to Hawaii, without the kids! HALLELUJAH!
What a fun month for Hutch and the twins! They always have so many exciting things going on. Hutch is so cute and changing so fast right now. I love his sweet personality!!!!!